Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Scribbling Pad

Happiness is actually a byproduct of our actions and we can’t produce it as it is, either in   a modern factory (psychology - Unconditional self-acceptance and self-love, a sense of interdependence, and connectedness with others and other life forms, mindful awareness of thoughts and feelings, acceptance of change, acceptance that life is difficult and no one is free from adversity and pain, a sense of meaning or purpose in life and understanding of the fact that    beyond a certain level of comfort, money and possessions do not increase happiness) or in an old half abandoned factory (Bhagavad-Gita -  everyone wants to be happy, but happiness is not the same to everyone for people differ greatly in the pursuit of happiness owing to the predominance of one of the three gunas. Sattwic happiness - that which in the beginning is like poison but in the end like nectar; that happiness, born from the tranquility of one’s own mind,  in the beginning spiritual practice will be boring or even annoying and upsetting. But at the end it will be all sukha: happiness and ease. For it never really is poison, but only seems so to the distorted mind-mirror of those bound in ignorance. Rajasic happiness - that which in the beginning, through contact between the senses and their objects, is like nectar, and in the end like poison. Tamasic happiness - that happiness which both in the beginning and afterwards deludes the self, arising from sleep, indolence, and negligence - mohanam–deluding, addicting, and confusing–arising from spiritual “sleep” (nidra), idleness and outright spiritual laziness (alasya), and negligence and confusion (pramada) and unlike sattwic and rajasic happiness, tamasic happiness does not transform into anything other than what it is at the beginning).  tkrk 23/03/2012.
The present stand of Congress for narrow and short term gain in the case of Trivedi is not a good precedence. In the end and long run it may back fire to all Political parties who are supporting this trend which are tantamount to a bad Democratic System where it should always be the Party   above an individual.  Same thing happened in Karnataka when the Party forgot its superiority over an individual and the result is both the Govt. and Party are in shambles. The stand of CPM in this respect is laudable where they are giving importance to Party over an individual.  tkrk 18/03/2012.
I got an ally in the form of   Rushdie when he said Indian voters are smarter than their political leaders, I was repeatedly writing this in my FB status. UP result reiterates this stand.  Gone are the days when people en masse voted for a particular candidate when their local leader in the form of a caste, landlord or preacher tells them so. They started thinking independently and evolve their own conclusion. Literacy has its role in this respect. Added to this are his naked knowledge of promises un-kept and the level of corruption by the political class. It is high time   Political parties re-think to evolve a new strategy to harness the ordinary citizens who inherently love peace before the next General election.  tkrk 18/03/2012.
It is high time RBI interferes and if required subsidize and advice merchant banks and retailers to desist from charging while using plastic cards to have an effective use of card transactions at places of sale, which is at a pathetic low of 5% of retail sale in India. Consider the cost of currency printing to the order of 2800 crore annually and a saving of 28 crore annually if there is an increase of 1% every time. This is apart from the additional cost of secured transportation, counterfeit detection and prevention and safe keeping. Retailers are benefited from instant crediting (currently interest calculation is for a days’ closing balance) and the risk of handling cash and the time and man power saved to deposit in a Bank. Tail end: ICICI Bank is charging Rs.12/50 (for Rs.500/-) for using its debit card while purchasing petrol. If only FBians gave their ideas and shared, it will reach to the concerned. tkrk 12/03/2012.
All the scientific theories which fail to reach a conclusion are changing as years pass by. This itself shows the truth is yet to come, where as the so called mythology is constant. Just like to understand science and scientific truths, knowledge of science is required; to understand mythology one should have basic knowledge about it.  We are accepting the Big Bang theory as there is no other error free and explainable model available currently and not because it is acceptable to all. Think of this – the entire universe or cosmos originated from ylem (the cosmic egg), a single proton, the mass of which and the contraction level and the release of energy of it is humanly unimaginable and one day suddenly and violently expands and creates the entire universe (this is not mythology, but latest scientific finding). Mythology is Brahma i.e. prime atom (paramanu) and ‘adiyil vachanmundayi’. The hypocrisy is clear as day light! Doubts abound here as how this proton came into existence or where it was? You have to believe it (!), because there is no other explanation to make.  It is altogether another fact that within a few years the great Big Bang will see few surprises and will eventually meet the end of the earlier ‘Steady State Theory’ or still earlier ‘ Vortices Theory’. Logically, when superstition is blind belief, won’t it be so for the current believers of Big Bang or the earlier believers of SST and VT that they too are superstitious scientists? tkrk 10/03/2012.
Though the current trend is in favour of PPP (Public Private Partnership) in infrastructure development throughout India, if one looks at it too closely, one can see a similarity of the long abolished zamindari (ജന്മിത്തം) in it. An entrepreneur gets hold of some roads/bridges on PPP and the toll collection will be for   decades and extendable depending on the whims and fancy of the then ruling class (interestingly he is not investing much as capital as toll collection is allowed before the work is completed). Instead of the tax collection from the tenants (കുടിയാന്‍), toll is collected from the public users by the builder and his descendants for years and years. tkrk  17/02/2012.
If everything goes on as planned a super high way between Bangalore and Chennai (reducing distance from the present 307 MKs to 250 KMs and the travelling time from the present 5 to 6 hours to just 3 hours) will materialize with in years, but still our own ambitious Express way   connecting Bangalore to Mysore started during 1995 (reducing distance from the present 140 KMs to 111 KMs and the travelling time from the present 3 hours to 1.5 hours) will be still decades behind, even if it happens. What a pity – on the one side just 2 families and on the other an entire State!   tktk 15/01/2012.
Slowly but steadily Hindu mythology is getting the reverence by the scientific community and they are aghast about its core meaning and everything said therein is being proved rationally by them. Cyclical nature of the Universe is one among them. The antidote of TULSI (Indian Basil) for the maladies of radiation is the latest.
Further to my post above, you can ponder about these facts, it may be a fact or my imagination. Still: scientific evidence shows (you can read about it after Google search) an increased level of nuclear radiation in India’s' oldest civilization sites i.e. at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Read with this the wide use of Tulasi in almost all Temples and functions irrespective of Hindu creed and community as if it is an unwritten law. Are our far sighted forefathers giving us a protection in case of a repetition of what happened in those sites? tkrk 11/01/2012.
  I could not but disagree the recent remarks made by our Minister that all Roads are motorable (in its true perspective) in Karnataka. Just two days back our tourist bus took a longer route via Virarajendrapet just because of the pathetic condition of the road. If a heavy vehicle is reluctant to use a particular stretch of road, imagine the condition of other vehicles. Even after spending crores of rupees for Road development both by the Centre and the States through various schemes, the stretch between Hunsur and Gonikoppal is so pathetic for the last 30 years (even now at many points the width is less than 8 feet), we have to bow to the patience of the people of Kodagu. Just one word - utter neglect. tkrk 11/01/2012.
I think wide usage of iphones makes FB less travelled; people tend to pass of the opened up mind of their friends with just a ‘like’, negating the luxury of their valuable criticisms/ideas/suggestions. Difficulty in punching the expression when compared to laptop or desktop and its usage in mobile situations also contribute reasons for less sound footfalls. tkrk 11/01/2012.
There are two types of belief – scientific and mythological. The former is acceptable and you are a modern man, the latter will put you a man of centuries old. One   differentiating factor is that the   latter will be always the same, but the former can change conveniently as human progresses and new inventions are made. When Galileo used his refracting telescope, the universe was a small place with our milky way only, but as new telescopes – reflecting/x-ray/infrared/sub-millimeter/Neutrino detector/VLA- came into being universe also expanded and now with the MMT telescope universe contains galaxies each composed of about 100 billion stars (observable) and 100 billion unobservable. (See the exactness) and it is expanding. Ordinary mortal won’t understand these concepts because for him to expand something a space is required i.e. it can expand only until it encounters a barrier, but where is the barrier and he is at a loss to understand what existed before the Big Bang (exactly 14 billion years ago), as his logic says something won’t come out of nothing.  It is interesting to note here that some theorists have proposed, the big bang is merely the prelude to the big crunch and the universe is caught in an infinite cycle of expansion and contraction, then ancient Indian cosmology/mythology is clearly has a cutting edge compared to the one-directional vision of the big bang. tkrk 10/01/2012.
Many might have seen mails/ write-ups in circulation based on   research results about taking fruits and cold items like ice creams immediately after meals and especially after   oily food and its damaging effects on us. But, surprisingly all most all desserts consists of these items whether in a Star hotel or in a home event from years back. It is for the culinary experts to think and implement a reverse of this trend in multi course meals by altering desserts as start ups and start ups as desserts. But the big question is who is going to bell the cat? tkrk  09/01/2012.
Just like drugs and drinks, hate also is an addiction. By propagating and indulging in hate, they are getting temporary satisfaction and relief. Forget about the negative energy they are producing by their hate campaign to their surrounding – to their family and friends,   the   damage they are inflicting themselves in the long run to their mental and thereby physical happiness and well being is unfathomable. One reason for this is their ardent believe and hero worships of a cult, be it politics, religion or philosophy and thereby become   poor in logic and reasoning. Just like the drunkards and drug addicts, the bond between the haters will be very strong. They may be thinking that their way of thought, belief and actions are perfectly correct and all others wrong. Even highly qualified and educated are not free from this malice.   tkrk 06/01/2012.
Mob – a panacea or an alternative?  One of the motives for joining a mob is having anonymity and also   they couldn't be singled out in the crowd and be responsible for their   actions. Another motive for joining a mob is avoiding negative evaluation by the Society and branding as an enemy. Everyone strives to be accepted, and if you aren't part of the crowd you're probably the enemy. When you join a mob you are put under its security and defense, and you're never punished as long as the mob has control of a situation. Another motive for joining a mob is dropping your individual responsibility. Blame can no longer be placed on an individual, but now the entire group has responsibility for any of its members. Isolation and loneliness are other motives for joining a group. History is replete with incidents of mob winning over large armies and recent incidents in the Middle East also corroborate this. tkrk 05/01/2012.
I was thinking about a scenario like this: man in his quest to settle elsewhere finally finds a planet almost similar to the earth conditions, only   barrier being distance, taking decades to the goal. Still he sets about for settlement in a similar way of the Noah's Ark with of course omissions and commissions. He may not be taking living creatures and plants like Noah’s Ark considering the lift problems and of course he can clone it considering the present technology. The entire achievements made by the humans till date will be with the Settlers in different formats. Now the reality begins. The team sustains for some time with the essentials taken by them and later on succeeds in the creation of fresh essentials on food account and later on livestock etc. But, in the industrial front, he can’t succeed owing to lack of infrastructure, men and materials. Generation changes, gadgets brought are becoming useless one by one owing to lack of parts and replacements. To end the long story, a situation arrives similar to the condition when humans were in their stone age or so in our humble earth. Still the old Settlers may be talking about the advancements made by their forefathers, but the youngsters not believing it and categorizing them as superstition mongers and mythology. (Agneyastra, Brahmastra, Chakram are myths and Hydrogen, napalm, cluster bombs are real, Cyclic universe is myth, but loop quantum gravity theory is real). Tail end: till recently it was thought atom as the final, then changed to sub-atoms and now protons can be split and it will continue till a stage comes to reveal nothing – sunya, Maya. tkrk 04/01/2012.
Reducing blood sugar count: No idea whether it will work for those who are on insulin or on tablets, but there may be friends whose count is more than normal, but medication has not yet started and for such persons, this may work and the reading can be brought back to normal through a treatment using the vegetable - Ladies finger. I am having verifiable 3 cases where the reading from 170 - 180 has been brought back to 80 - 90. I have firm faith in controlling/normalizing/preventing many diseases through our food.  ‘Like’ it for further post.  tkrk  03/01/2012.
Everyone knows the thickness of the skin of politicians, but this is too much. Now BJP and Communist Parties are fighting it out to pass the Lokpal Bill. What was preventing these parties to announce in public or at least to the ruling party that they will vote in support of the Bill in the RS? Except Anna everybody knows that Lokpal will never be passed by any present Political Party in India as everybody has got skeletons in their cupboards. Who will cut the branch where they are sitting? tkrk 03/01/2012.
A recent research shows that paper wasps can recognize each other’s faces at a glance and if that can be true why it can’t be true for snakes that are at a higher level in Darwinian principle of common descent. Years back when I killed a poisonous snake (an act which I repented later) just to show off in front of my friends who were mortally afraid of it and when an identical one (its mate for sure) appeared next day in my regular route, my suggestion of retaliation by getting the image from the dying snake by its mate was laughed at. I may be right then. tkrk 25/12/2011.
It is a fact that in city limits while driving at night, high beams are not required and it is an offense. Leave alone the offense side; will it not retard the smooth driving when we are blinded for a few moments which may also lead to accidents? Still, when educated people are resorting to this, how we can blame others who are not well versed in the rules and etiquettes and driving for a livelihood. Some solace can be achieved from such people also if we make it a habit while using company vehicles and taxis and tell them to use low beam. tkrk 22/12/2011.
One thing I do not understand. 1. Why TN is against a new Dam when it is offered free of cost by Kerala and the Central Govt. without any change in the current lease agreement. Actually this is a very good bargaining time for TN to agree for a new Dam under a condition that the water level should be raised from 136 to say 150 or more. There won't be much objection from Kerala side as it will be a new Dam and no worry about its safety. But, still they want the old Dam. It may be a fact or not that the Dam may stand another 10 or more years, but ultimately one day it will break even without an earth quake. If that happens how they know Kerala will agree for a new Dam at that time, will the existing agreement will hold good for another dam? How the 5 TN Districts will cope up without water for drinking/irrigation and generation of electricity during the construction period which may vary from 3 years and upwards, even if Kerala agrees. Forget the masses and Politicians of TN, but why not even one intelligentsia either openly or covertly bringing out these facts. 
2. If Kerala is so sure of the weakness of the Dam, why can't it build a new Dam still further down in our own territory for which no permission is required from TN? Requirement will be formal permission from Planning Commission, Dept. of environment etc only which can be obtained easily in the present circumstances.  If the Idukki Dam can hold the M.Dam water in case it breaks down, why Kerala wants a new Dam? The loss will be to the people and property of 40 KMs from M.Dam to Idukki for which Kerala can construct strong embankments and forget the issue once for all.
Is there any other hidden agenda with Kerala and TN which you and I do not know?  tkrk 19/12/2011.

To an independent observer, not a single Political Party in India is above corruption and other than giving lip service, they don’t want to improve the condition of the down trodden. Almost every Party got a chance to rule India or a major part of it. They will cry wolf when in opposition but will look the other way when in power. A golden ray of hope is the current movement propelled by Hazare. He should not stop with the Lokpal but carry on and the best way is to take the fight in the backyard of the Political Parties by forming a new Political Party – the best suited Democratic way. Tkrk 16/12/2011.
Two months back when a new cubicle of Currency Exchange was seen at the entrance of Bigbazar, out of curiosity went to the counter with a One Dollar bill, which was   there in my purse     for some time, creating confusion with our own humble ` (Rupee) Note. The guy checked it and said the current rate is 1 USD = INR ` 48, but also said his commission is a minimum of ` (INR) 50/- and returned it with a smile. Much water has flown through the M.Dam and yesterday when went there again just glanced at the guy, thought he called me (hearing problem) and I was right, he remembered me and said he can give me INR ` 3 now if  I am still having it explaining rupee value going down etc. I didn’t give - 3 can go to 4 and upward and waiting … tkrk  15/12/2011.
There was a time when people thought computer virus is akin to disease causing biological virus and was under the impression that not allowing footwear in computer cells was to keep away from such virus.   Recent developments in synthetic biology narrows down the difference between the computer virus and biological virus. If cells are living computers and DNA is a programming language, virus programs can be written and when injected into humans, it can alter our thinking and can influence or even control the human minds. Think of the potential (either way - to a Govt. or an Organisation) behind it when it becomes a reality soon. tkrk 15/12/2011.
 It seems expressing disagreement   to the established tenets of society by way of liking a different and sometime an antithesis is human nature and it was there from the very beginning and continues even now when one dwell on a little in the periodical happenings. Examples are a plenty like the coming up of modern art forms against the classical version, Dance item by Bollywood Choreographers like Shiamak Davar, Farah Khan, Raju Khan against classical and folk dance, the running kolaveri di and Krishnanum Radhayum ….. the list goes on……   tkrk 12/12/2011.
It is for good the slutwalk Bangalore was cancelled. The organizers claim - either in Bangalore or Toronto or Chicago that it is to stop ‘victim blaming’ cannot be agreed to in toto. There is some truth when the Toronto Police Officer said   "Women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized."  Though all the cases of sexual assault are not because of skimpily clad dress, many cases can be attributed solely to that. Just see - when humans over exploit nature, it is fighting back with all its fury and here it is a challenge against the biological factors of men irrespective of his mental, social, materialistic and cultural development. tkrk 05/12/2011.
By seeing the adamant stand being taken by TN, one is reminded of the Malayalam saying   “Ariyum thinnu, asarichiyem kadichu, pinnayum naikku murumuruppu". When Kerala is requesting to reduce the water level, TN instead of co-operating or at least agree to the status quo, wanted to raise the water level from the present 136 feet to 142 feet. Now, to come out of the impasse, Kerala’s option is to fortify the embankment and keep quite watching all the while the water level of Idukki, where, the experts opined   the additional water of M.dam can contain, when one day either through its own accord or by natural fury breaks down. tkrk 04/12/2011.
Constipation may lead to piles and fistula. Generally constipation is not a disease, but brought about by a deliberate self punishment on ones’ body (inadvertently imposing on the kids), ignoring the food habits one is supposed to follow. This modern day problem is mainly due to: intake of refined, fried and concentrated food and a diet lacking in  fiber, insufficient walking/exercise, inadequate sleep and relaxation,   fear, worry, anxiety,   tension, anger and jealousy,   drinking less water,   trying to control the urge to pass stools due to one reason or the other. Now-a-days even flashy malls are supplying plantain tube and flower in their veg. section which is time tested remedies for constipation. It may take time, but keep it in mind and try to reverse one by one and constipation will be history in our life. tkrk 03/12/2011.
Like the   grasshopper that has spent the warm months singing   while the ants   worked to store up food for winter, I am in FB whiling away my time when my classmates and ex-coworkers are still busy earning. When that season arrives, the grasshopper finds itself dying of hunger and upon asking the ant for food is only rebuked for its idleness and hope this won’t happen to me. tkrk 03/12/2011
Eureka! Here is a way out from the current situation facing two southern States. TN unequivocally states that the M.Dam is safe and may be right also since no concrete has been used in its construction and hence the question of concrete creep won’t arise and the structure may last centuries like the Red Fort or the Qutub Minar. So leave it to the Nature. Kerala’s nightmare is it will collapse any time either with its own   water weight or from a little harder shake. Admit this also. Now, the way out. Reduce the water storage   of the Idukki dam substantially, so that in case the M.Dam breaks up, Idukki dam will be able to contain the additional water, leaving all the downhill districts safe. As a result the entire Kerala will go powerless during summer and now TN will recoup the lost power to Kerala from it’s yet to be commissioned Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant by allowing NTPC to speed up the work. Still the question of people residing in the banks of Periyar from M.dam to Idukki in the aftermath of the M.dam collapse has to be reckoned with. The fund proposed for the construction of the new dam by Kerala has to be utilized for building proper embankment to Periyar to protect from flooding and lose of life and property. Tkrk 01/12/2011.
Smoking is injurious to health – in general - true and we should avoid it and tell others also to follow suit. But, one thing I could not follow is why a sudden upsurge against it (banning in films/serials/use in public places when cultivation of tobacco is not a taboo and cigarette production is not scissored), it was here years and years back, not a malice cropped up yesterday. My father was a chain smoker (shifting from cigarette to beedi and vice versa when his finance used to fluctuate) from the day I know him till his end, not only he, almost all the elders in our family and neighbors (we were all passive smokers) used to smoke during those days and there was not a single case of cancer to anybody. But, now even if we are a passive smoker, we are supposed to get cancer going by the trend (?). So, it may not be smoking, but something else – can be the life style (including food/polluted atmosphere, water, radiation from different sources etc)  - of that period and now – the villain and this has to be researched at length. tkrk 01/12/2011
In the olden days, Emperors and Kings used to go about among his subjects incognito to know the ground realities first hand in addition to the   reports and advices of his officers. In a Democracy, though nobody is expecting such governance, when matters at stake are life (TN) and death (Kerala), it won’t be too much at least to depute a trustworthy officer under secrecy to study and report the actual facts instead of solely depending on the advice of coteries to avoid a situation of repentance at a later stage. tkrk 30/11/2011
Existence is primary than principles. Even the so called progressive political parties are not exemptions to this rule. When two states are in loggerheads over an issue, instead of a rapprochement initiated by national political parties to arrive at a consensus by guiding the public, whether they are ruling or in opposition,   one can see that first of all they are thinking how their stand will affect them in their next election totally forgetting the merit of the issue. The context is the stand taken by CPM in Kerala and TN. tkrk 30/11/2011
Alcoholics can console themselves to the findings that it is their DNA- genes responsible for getting them into this vice (?). This may be a controversial finding. If it is true the offspring of all alcoholics should have been alcoholics unless the DNA has been damaged by   mutagens, and changed the sequence. But, this is not the case.  One thing we have to admit – if the level one is not an alcoholic, greater efforts might have made by the level 2 to become an alcoholic and on the other side we have to bow to the efforts of a 2nd level not to become an alcoholic though his level 1st   is a pucca alcoholic.  tkrk 26/11/2011.
No chance at all. When the Nation is threatened with any external aggression, people will forget politics, economic and social status and there will be only one voice and queue up behind the Veer Javans. That was the previous experiences. India is not a developing Nation, but a major force to reckon with. Though it will be a last option, limited and contained use of nuclear armaments cannot be ruled out and China is well aware of this fact. Further, America is just waiting on the wings for such an opportunity to settle a score with China. tkrk 25/11/2011. 
It seems TN CM is playing with fire when giving out statements that Mullaperiyar is safe. There should not be two opinions when a matter relating to technical issue is involved. Centre’s apathy in the matter is surprising treating as if the issue is between two foreign nations. TN worries are mainly two fold – whether there may be an interruption/reduction in the water supply during the course of the new dam construction and whether there will be an increase in the payment for the water from the meager amount now being paid to Kerala. The Union Govt. can resolve these issues in the form of a new long term agreement between the States with a Central Govt. guarantee. tkrk 24/11/2011
Is the state of affairs of the world/Indian economy affecting the FB friends? Now-a-days limited/no postings (including photos)/comments are coming in FB from those who will be always vociferous in their independent outlook. Seems many are coming to FB with a worried, serious and poker face. Will today’s worry solve tomorrow’s problems other than spoil a nice today? The assumed problem may be just a bend and not the end of the road. tkrk 24/11/2011
Importance of meditation is growing day by day. Gone are the days when it had a spiritual touch, now materialistic world also is embracing it. To the beginners it may be a little tough in the initial days, but even without a guru self practice can improve it substantially. Doctors finding its benefit are also started advising meditation for various illnesses – unimaginable a few decades back. Start with just 5 minutes (set the alarm in the mobile) and increase it slowly till 30 minutes. (Sitting posture – eyes closed - with not a full belly and just breathe without any efforts). Believers can concentrate on their favorite deity, others just observe their breathing. Concentration won’t be possible in the first few days – try to bring it back when it wavers. Benefits will be known to you. Tkrk 23/11/2011
Human psyche is wonderful. Think of a situation where you are away from home and the etiquette prevents you from free access to food. Though you may be taking normal food from the new place like at home, you will feel hungrier. You may be going out in the world rarely from the Flat/home, still if one is imprisoned and though going around the four walls is not prohibited, still lack of freedom will be hurting the most than anything else. tkrk. 14/11/2011
Before going to bed read an article where our Earth is heading to a point of no return due to increase in earth's average temperature, coincided with the news of ships crossing Arctic Ocean (commercially profitable and time saving) than Suez crossing, hurricanes like Katrina and flooding of Bangkok and several other cities irrespective of Continents etc., felt after all it may be true. Consider this also. The Universe follows infinite, self-sustaining cycles (beginning with a big bang and ending with a big crunch), a fact both extremes (Religion and Science) agrees to. (Shrishti followed by Vinaash – Hindu belief). Felt getting wings to my thoughts …….. tkrk 13/11/2011
If Darwinian evolution, endorsed by the modern science as modern evolutionary synthesis (after path breaking researches in the field of genetics) is to be accepted and believed, why should we bother about climatic changes? It may be a forerunner for the emergence of a new species after humans as evolution can’t stop with humans. The change in human behavior, food habits, polluted water, atmosphere etc may be a requirement for the changes. The process of Natural Selection (survival of the fittest) will see that in the changing circumstances some will survive and reproduce and culminate in the dawn of a new species after humans. tkrk 06/11/2011